six. Simply take a dip inside geothermal health spas and you may shower curtains

six. Simply take a dip inside geothermal health spas and you may shower curtains

Thingvellir Playground is situated on the Middle-Atlantic Ridge, where in fact the North american and Eurasian tectonic plates collide – a real continental confluence. And its particular pure waters’ tremendous clarity, with profile as high as 260 base, build plunge and you will snorkeling regarding Silfra and you can Davsgja fissures you to definitely of the park’s main sites.

In addition, the new magnificent eco-friendly places surrounding the newest flatlands are ideal for a quick hike because of Iceland’s rugged terrain. Using its brilliant geological quirks and various backyard things, Thingvellir Playground is a delightful wonder to own character lovers.

You can even visit Thingvellir into the cold weather and relish the snowfall-secured landscapes. not, make sure to take a look at weather before going, because tracks can sometimes be icy and unsafe. And you will ultimately, don’t forget to hook a peek of one’s North Lights if you are from inside the Thingvellir Park. You will be awestruck by the its beauty, and it’s really a technology you will never soon disregard. Read more